Iizuka Ryokan / 飯塚旅館

Proprietress of Iizuka Ryokan : Mrs.Iizuka

Iizuka Ryokan is located at the western foot of Mt. Hakkoda, at Nuruyu hot spring area in Kuroishi Hot Springs Village. It is a two-storey wooden hot spring ryokan that full of the style of the Taisho era. Please enjoy the hot spring that flows directly from the source and the dishes of mountain vegetables and seafood.

飯塚旅館は八甲田山の西の麓、黒石温泉郷の温湯温泉(ぬるゆ おんせん)にあります。大正ロマン漂う2階建ての木造温泉旅館です。源泉かけ流しの温泉と山海の幸の料理をご堪能ください。


  • Address:60,tsuruizumi,nuruyu,kuroishi city,Aomori  青森県黒石市温湯鶴泉60
  • Phone:0172-54-8303